
Hello, my name is Alisha I am here to tell you lot a little story of my life that became so bad it nearly killed me. Throughout my life I was always a timid and shy girl I was never really the girl that guys always looked for… until I changed schools. I wasn’t very used to the school or the way people acted there but for some weird reason I felt comfortable. When I first started I had little to no friends but I always love a quite lunch on my own with no trouble and no drama. As I went through my second year at the school it became very evident to me that I need to go out there a socialise with everyone which was probably the worst mistake I ever made, on about my four or fifth day on my attempt at socialising I met this girl she seem very sweet and normal to me we began to start spending more time together this meant staying at each other’s houses and knowing everything about each other , as me and this girl got closer and closer she wouldn’t really praised me for getting an A in mock exam more like praise me if one of the boys touched my bum but I always knew I had no one else and I didn’t want to lose her so I began to do more and more to impress even if I didn’t  actually do anything I just tell her that I did , I forget that nothing stay quiet and left alone my friend began to investigate and started asking the boys I was pretending to be intimate with so everyone in the school know thought I was this lying weirdo who pretend boys actually liked her.
my popularity hit rock bottom I was always looked at wrong where ever I walked in the school the pain of even walking out of my house to go to school was unbearable as I went through all of this I became very vulnerable but certain people were there to talk through my problems with me and help me through what I was going through making feel wanted which then made want to go school, I felt comfortable again. The new friend I made encourage me to better myself in terms or extracurricular and after school I believe I was with the people I always should have been with. One day after school I was walking home and there I met this boy who asked for my number I thought to myself he was an alright guy so I said yes and gave it to him, we began talking back and forth for a number of days until he and I was ready for me to meet him at the start I was a bit wary about meeting him but he gave me reason why I shouldn’t be worried bearing in mind I haven’t told my friend about him because I was scared they wouldn’t like me or stop talking to me. The day of meeting him came and he promised I was coming his house to just chill and talk but once I got there the house seemed very normal until I got up to his bedroom, there was about seven knives placed on the bed this made me think it was his way of trying to intimidate me, so then I became very uncomfortable around him, there was not much conversation between us until he snatched my bag off me  and refused to give it back until I gave him oral sex at first I was thinking it just a bag I won’t miss it so I refused he then got one of the many knives nearby and threatened to hurt me if I didn’t , by then I had no choice


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