
My textual analysis was helpful in terms of camera shot and how different shots can portray different but unfortunately it was no help for my production because of the fact of it being a documentary it didn’t fit the theme of my production which was a sci-fi, I believe the textual analysis helped me in terms of analysing films, documentary’s etc.

The pre-production consist of the treatment, call sheet, storyboard, location recce and call sheet. All these helped me prepare for filming because I knew where I was filming for each scene thanks to the location recce. The treatment let me know the equipment I needed for my production and the props that was needed and the budget and additional synopsis of the storyline. The call sheet provided us an insight on where and when we needed to be somewhere throughout the production and the storyboard was done to give us a visual idea of how the production before the location recce.

 Overall the production was successful we filmed over a couple of hours which was quick and efficient in itself. We involved all the codes and conventions of a sci-fi movie. We research camera shots that are mainly used in science fiction such as wide angle, close up and over shoulder shot which we tried incorporate into our production. They audience enjoyed the costumes and props because it gives off a sense of realness. They also stated that the shot were very effective and created an atmosphere. They audience were also  impressed by the editing like the black and white for the flashback give the audience a understanding of the storyline. However the cons of the film was some of the handheld shot were shaky in some parts of the flim.

One of the key factors we could have made improvements on as a group is the way we communicate with each other as I found it was very poor and affected the way we worked together. I feel like within the group there was not enough communication and because of this reason, everything became a bit confusing.


  1. Much better - more detail here! For future evaluations - be more specific with details and examples.


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