
Our anti bullying proposal
The purpose of us making this anti bullying campaign video is create awareness for those who are either suffering from verbal or physical bullying our aim is to provide a service to seek advice and guidance for young people who have problems with getting bullied . We also creating this anti bullying video to show the effects of what someone is going through and is afraid to speak out , also it's show that anyone going through any types of bullying isn't alone there are ways to beat the bullies and beat the label , no matter what you should always seek help before the bullying gets out of your control and that's what we trying to campaign for. We want everyone to know how bad bullying is.
Our storyline is going to based on a young girl ,who is being living a normal life until one day she spoke her opinion and this other girl was constantly bullying her and she just wouldn't stop she called her name after name until she felt belittled to the point where she couldn't take no more , it even got to a stage where she was not only being verbally bullied she was physically bullied as well , and people were too afraid to stand up for her people were being bystanders , and when someone finally decided to do something about it and stand up to the bully , it was too late. Our campaign video wants to reflect what people can do to prevent.

Target Audience:
Our target audience is aimed at young adults such as teenagers because of the fact that it's more common for the teenagers between the ages of 11-18 to get bullied, and also the concept of our campaign video is aimed at teenagers. The ethnicity of this video is mainly black but bullying is of any colour and any race so we aren't going to single out the colour of the person being bullied in this video , we make it so it's aimed at everyone of every efficentity. The gender we are aiming at is females because they are the most targeted for bullying in the uk , but we want to campaign for all genders . Any status.

The charity we are campaigning for it ditch the label which is a charity that also campaigns against bullying , and that it's not okay for people to label someone such as the work “ugly” no one should ever feel ugly just because someone is constantly calling them that certain name they start to believe it. It's an international campaigning charity , it's against prejudice and any discrimination against anybody worldwide. They give out free advice to anyone that feels as though they need any guidance with whatever they are going through.

Legal issues
We don't feel as though our campaign video has any illegal content or offences things in it we believe it's a campaign video. We make sure our video is just aimed at one race or one efficiencal background , but it will be aimed at a specific target audience due to the large number of teenagers being bullied in the world , we just want to campaign for it in our video.


  1. A fairly detailed proposal Guled although you could be clearer on how the narrative progresses: what do we actually see? V


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