
Showing posts from November, 2017


Our anti bullying proposal Purpose: The purpose of us making this anti bullying campaign video is create awareness for those who are either suffering from verbal or physical bullying our aim is to provide a service to seek advice and guidance for young people who have problems with getting bullied . We also creating this anti bullying video to show the effects of what someone is going through and is afraid to speak out , also it's show that anyone going through any types of bullying isn't alone there are ways to beat the bullies and beat the label , no matter what you should always seek help before the bullying gets out of your control and that's what we trying to campaign for. We want everyone to know how bad bullying is. Synopsis: Our storyline is going to based on a young girl ,who is being living a normal life until one day she spoke her opinion and this other girl was constantly bullying her and she just wouldn't stop she called her name after name until sh

contracts,conditions and pay

Type of contract Working conditions salary Other benefits Full time, permanent       Permanent employment. 'Permanent workers, regular employees or the directly employed work for an employer and are paid directly by that employer. Permanent (regular) employees do not have a predetermined end date to employment. 25 and over=£7.50 21-24=£7.05 18-20=£5.60 Under 18=£4.05   Insurance. One of the most common advantages to permanent employment is company-paid or company-subsidized insurance benefits. Vacation, Holiday and Sick Pay. Retirement. Job Advancement. Part-time, permanent     a written statement of employment or contract the statutory minimum level of paid holiday a payslip showing all deductions, eg National Insurance contributions (NICs) the statutory minimum length of rest breaks Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) maternity, paternity and adoption

media industry in context

Unit 8: Media Industry in Context C2 Methods of Recruitment in the Media Here is a table showing the main methods of recruitment in the Media, and the plus and minus points of them.   Description / summary Benefits Drawbacks National press National newspapers often produce Media supplements. For example, the Guardian on a Monday *respected titles *established practice *nationwide coverage *exposure in media sections *covers all media sectors *print and digital format *flexibility on size and cost of advert *costs *weekly print runs *exposure limited to a week *falling circulations *turnaround time *rigid price structures *lack of prominence Local press Local newspapers will have job supplements in every week's issue *costs *weekly print runs *exposure limited to a week *falling circulations *turnaround time

horizontal and vertical intergration and cooperatives

Explain:   What horizontal integration is?   This is where a production company expands into other areas of one industry. This means that the company can develop in a particular area of production or they can buy out another company that deals with these areas. Benefits / PROS   -It helps to create more money and makes the company more popular among readers. - T he more technology literate people will read the magazine online, so horizontal integration helps to reach a wider audience.   Drawbacks / CONS -           One drawback of Horizontal Integration is that misfortunes from a recently obtained business may cut into the benefits from an existing one. Hence new acquisitions must be made just after cautious investigation. Explain:   What vertical integration is?   This is when the production company has the ownership of the means of production, distribution and exhibition of the film by the same company

diifferent industry structure

Type of company Examples from UK and worldwide Outline of role and function Public service broadcasters BBC ITV Channel 4 To provide products and services that meet the remit of informing and entertaining the public and within the public interest. Private companies ITV Sky Virgin To provide products and services that inform and entertain. Profit-making organisations that attract revenue from a range of sources. Regulatory organisations OFCOM BBFC To ensure companies provide their products and services to the public in a fair and competitive manner and that the materials produced are suitable for the specified audiences. To investigate and where necessary uphold complaints and apply sanctions

brainstorm for campaign

Image In my campaign video i want to show all types of bullying showing it in different scenes and with different people showing that it can happen to anyone showing the public that it needs to be stopped, this would be done in number of different locations starting off in a school showing how physical abuse takes a toll on a person's demeanor. The next scene would be  outside in a park showing that  people that bullying can take place wherever and whenever. then the last scene will be  a home showing that a bully can also be a person you love dearly. 

narrative and genre key terms

Level 2 Media Unit 1C: Narrative and Genre Key Terms Non Linear Narratives Chronology: The arrangement of events or dates in the order of their occurrence Concurrent / parallel narratives: operating or occurring at the same time   Flashback / Flash-forward: when you go back on a past event or event that is yet to come Time and space: Serial format: a serial has a continuing plot that unfolds in a sequential episode-by-episode fashion Cliff-hangers: a cliff-hanger is when a story is ended before the end of the story Editing and non-linear narratives: continuity v dis-continuity Narration Use of a narrator as a piece to camera, voice over, caption Subjective / objective: Mode of address / tone: Genre and its function Types Sub –genres : Cross genre products: Role for the audience: Role for the producer: