media industry in context

Unit 8: Media Industry in Context

C2 Methods of Recruitment in the Media

Here is a table showing the main methods of recruitment in the Media, and the plus and minus points of them.

Description / summary
National press
National newspapers often produce Media supplements. For example, the Guardian on a Monday
*respected titles *established practice *nationwide coverage
*exposure in media sections
*covers all media sectors *print and digital format
on size and cost of advert
*weekly print runs
*exposure limited to a week
*turnaround time
*rigid price structures
*lack of prominence
Local press
Local newspapers will have job supplements in every week's issue
*weekly print runs
*exposure limited to a week
*turnaround time
*rigid price structures
*lack of prominence
*local coverage
*lack of influence
*no media-specific sections
*falling circulations
*limited alternatives to print format
*not suitable for all
media sectors
*limited exposure
*turnaround time
Trade press
Specialist media publications such as Media Week
*specialised titles
*wide circulation within the industry
*print and
digital format
*established practice in some media sectors
*no even coverage across all sectors
*turnaround time
*varied exposure
*lack of prominence
Interactive media
websites, apps, social networking, online gaming
*specific purpose
*digital format
*search options
*flexible pricing
*global exposure
*free to users
*templates or personalised formats
*quick turnaround time *audio and visual content *external links
*covers all
*user engagement
*public profiles provide an insight into a candidate’s
*greater interaction
*access to relevant technology
*competition for attention
*embarrassing public profiles
Word of mouth
Otherwise known as networking
*less risk
*applies to all sectors *recommendations
*less transparent process
*restricted fields
*less rigour
Personal and professional contacts
*low cost
*reputation built over time
*match the candidate to the role
*rewards talent
*restricts applicants
*less transparency
Internal promotion
*low cost
*candidates are familiar with company and role
*motivated workforce *awareness of strengths and weaknesses of candidates
*limited number of applicants
*reduces new ideas and approaches
from outside the company
*resentment among other staff
*creates another
vacancy in the company



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