
Showing posts from October, 2017

size and structure of media organisations

International: The Centre for International Media Assistance, a Congressionally-funded think tank, defines media development as “efforts by organizations, people, and sometimes governments to develop the capacity and quality of the media sector within a specific country or region.  National: nationally distributed or marketed broadcast and print products of a country, e.g. major newspapers and television programming  Local: media vehicles, such as newspapers, radio stations, television stations, and cable stations, that function primarily to serve the communications needs of the communities or metropolitan areas in which they are located. The local advertiser is typically offered a special discount rate to advertise in local media.  Community: Community media is any form of media that is created and controlled by a community, either a geographic community or a community of identity or interest. Community media is separate from commercial media, state run media, or public broadcas

types organisation


multi-media technology and consumption

Unit 1A.4 Multimedia Technology and Consumption Convergence: Give a definition of this.   What form did early convergence take? And give some examples of present day technological convergence.(1) convergence is the interlinking of computing and other information technologies, media content, media companies and communication networks that have arisen as the result of the evolution and popularization of the Internet as well as the activities, products and services that have emerged in the digital media. Interactivity: In what ways is digital technology interactive? Can you give some examples? How has this changed the way we consume the media?(2) Interactive media normally refers to products and services on digital computer-based systems which respond to the user's actions by presenting content such as text, moving image, animation, video, audio, and video games. Personalisation: How do we personalise our technology and what is the reason for this?   Personalisation is the

test paper


advert analysis

   Irn-BRU   The advert for irn-bru is promotional video promoting their product, it is the first of the Christmas series. The advert was broadcasted on TV by channels such as itv, channel 4, e4, etc. The visuals are just like the film “The Snowman” featuring the lyrics to walking on air from the animated short film changed to include the soft drink brand to further advertise the company’s name brand. The lyrics are quite humorous and the ending has an unexpected twist towards the ending making it quite comical, even though the Christmas ad is aimed towards child it can be suitable to teenagers and young adult, but generally it can be enjoyed by everyone.  The advert shows a little boy not giving the snowman some of his irn-bru showing it is way too good to share. The twist at the end of the advert is when the snowman steal the little boy irn-bru off the little and let him go leaving the boy to fall into snow. The ending of the advert is quite amusing

sectors in media

1.      What are the different sectors in the media? Moving image, audio, publishing, websites, games. 2.      To which sectors do the following belong to: -Film trailer- moving image -A fitness app- website -A newspaper-publishing 3.      State two other sectors in the media industry? Audio, gaming. 4.      Why does the media industry use sectors? Different areas of business 5.      Which sector would you like to work in and why? Publishing because of journalism 6.      Which company would you like to work for? BBC 7.      Create a company profile for that company The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is a British public service broadcaster with its headquarters at Broadcasting House in London. The BBC is the world's oldest national broadcasting organisation and the largest broadcaster in the world by number of employees. It employs over 20,950 staff in total, 16,672 of whom are in public sector broadcasting the total number

exploring media organisations

Exploring how media organisations create different types of media products with distinctive characteristics, looking at specific examples of these products in order to understand the advantages and disadvantages of these products and the implications for the organisation. What is a niche product? A niche market is the subset of the market on which a specific product is focused. ... It is also a small market segment. For example, sports channels like STAR Sports, ESPN, STAR Cricket, and Fox Sports target a niche of sports enthusiasts. Every product can be defined by its market niche. Tell no one Where do we go now Little white lies What is a mainstream product? Products and services which are readily available to and appealing to the general public, as opposed to being of interest only to a very specific subset of the public. Spiderman Batman Pitch perfect What is an independent product? An independent film, independent m

tv drama analysis

Analysis of doctor who S3 E3    Format: series Purpose: entertainment Platform:   subscription,broadcasted on TV Target audience:   11- 65 Genre, Codes and conventions Science –fiction High-Tec equipment Special effects Something going wrong and then it gets fixed at the end of the show People, places and values The doctor, the doctor is portrayed as the fixer in the show he always happens to just coincidently end up where there is trouble and fix it. Martha Jones, Martha is the companion of the tenth doctor. In the episode she is portrayed as dependent on the doctor to save her. Events in the episode the doctor and Martha go to a different universe as travellers to later learn that Martha get kidnapped he take on the intergalactic motorway in order to save his companion Narrative structure in this episode it starts off with the doctor meeting his companion and pick a place in the galaxy to roam when they   end up there something

cv and showcase

explain   showcasing work work that is displayed   a cv is - pro - cons in media industry   CV is an abbreviation for Curriculum Vitae. If a job advertisement asks for a CV, that's a hint that the employer expects a great deal of life experience and accomplishments, including education, original research, presentations you've given and papers or books you've had published. Pros: Careers in the media industry help you meet important people: Ask anyone who works in media about some of the people they've met and you'll get a list of some of the top celebrities and newsmakers. This perk doesn't just involve reporters or radio announcers who conduct interviews. If a magazine decides to use a guest editor, even the receptionist or accountants have the chance to rub elbows with famous people and brag to friends and family about who popped into the office.     Cons:     Personal sacrifices: Unless you're


synergy from guled keynan </

Roles in media industry

A freelancer or freelance worker is a term commonly used for a person who is self-employed and is not necessarily committed to a particular employer long-term. Freelance workers are sometimes represented by a company or a temporary agency that resells freelance labour to clients; others work independently or use professional associations or websites to get work.   Permanent employees, regular employees or the directly employed work for an employer and are paid directly by that employer. Permanent (regular) employees do not have a predetermined end date to employment. In addition to their wages, they often receive benefits like subsidized health care, paid vacations, holidays, sick time, or contributions to a retirement plan. Permanent employees are often eligible to switch job positions within their companies. Even when employment is "at will", permanent employees of large companies are generally protected from abrupt job termination by severance policies, like ad

Analoque vs.Digital

   vinyl: -uses less bandwidth than digital sound -it is a natural form of sound. -you get a perfect copy disadvantages; - quality is easily lost -vinyl is susceptible to clipping, where the highest and lowest of a note of a sound or cut out during recording cd: - Cheaper recording equipment - copies can be made - any part of the sound can be viewed or accessed without opening the whole song disadvantages: - data can be corrupted - sound quality can easily can be lost - poor multi-user interfaces