cv and showcase



showcasing work

work that is displayed


a cv is - pro - cons in media industry


CV is an abbreviation for Curriculum Vitae. If a job advertisement asks for a CV, that's a hint that the employer expects a great deal of life experience and accomplishments, including education, original research, presentations you've given and papers or books you've had published.


Careers in the media industry help you meet important people: Ask anyone who works in media about some of the people they've met and you'll get a list of some of the top celebrities and newsmakers. This perk doesn't just involve reporters or radio announcers who conduct interviews. If a magazine decides to use a guest editor, even the receptionist or accountants have the chance to rub elbows with famous people and brag to friends and family about who popped into the office.






Personal sacrifices: Unless you're a top TV news anchor or have some other high-profile position, you can expect low pay and long hours when you work in media, especially in the beginning. Because the industry is so competitive, if you're not willing to accept these conditions, then the job will go to someone else. Using radio as an example, the top on-air jobs are usually during the morning drive-time hours, so to get the good paycheck, you have to be willing to be at work in the middle of the night. That lifestyle puts a strain on personal relationships, and because many positions require a media contract, you may have difficulty quitting to take a better job somewhere else. If you're lucky enough to get a higher-paying job, you still aren't immune from media layoffs.



a portfolio

A multimedia portfolio is a showcase of your talents or past work that uses more than one medium to communicate. A traditional resume uses only the medium of text to communicate your work history, while a traditional portfolio uses images with only minimal text. A multimedia portfolio can combine text, audio, video and still images to give a more comprehensive presentation of your past work.




A short videotape containing examples of an actor's or director's work for showing to potential employers.


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