
Showing posts from September, 2017


My textual analysis was helpful in terms of camera shot and how different shots can portray different but unfortunately it was no help for my production because of the fact of it being a documentary it didn’t fit the theme of my production which was a sci-fi, I believe the textual analysis helped me in terms of analysing films, documentary’s etc. The pre-production consist of the treatment, call sheet, storyboard, location recce and call sheet. All these helped me prepare for filming because I knew where I was filming for each scene thanks to the location recce. The treatment let me know the equipment I needed for my production and the props that was needed and the budget and additional synopsis of the storyline. The call sheet provided us an insight on where and when we needed to be somewhere throughout the production and the storyboard was done to give us a visual idea of how the production before the location recce.   Overall the production was successful we filmed over a co

Movie Poster


induction movie


Pre-production recce

First scene : We're going to use this location because this is where the main character is going to wake up, we have chosen this location because the field can add mystery to the short film. Second scene : The mystery man, walks into the college building in search of his watch, he walks through the hallway passing students. Third Scene : The mystery man walks into one of the classrooms in search of his watch. Fourth scene: The mystery man then walks through the 'street' in the main college building looking for any clues as to where his watch may be. scene 5 : The mystery man then walks into another classroom, still in search of his precious watch. Scene 6 : The mystery man then walks into the theatre, where he instantly recognises the chairs from his flashback of where his watch might be. He then finds the watch in the theatre.

Task 2 - Call sheet & storyboard


task 2 treatment

Title:  My past adventure  Genre: sci-fi  Synopsis :  A man mysteriously wakes up in a middle of a football field at LSC. As he wakes up he's confused and wondering how he landed from the one location to another, in only just a blink of an eye. Suddenly, flashback; 'opens draw and finds a watch, turns the handle on the watch forward and presses the button on top.' The man realises how he got here and although, he feels so puzzled and discombobulated, he starts searching for the watch to return home. He runs through the school hallway, the students amongst the school look startled as if he's dressed from the 19th century. He walks into a nearby classroom to begin his search for the watch, no luck, no watch. He walks into another class, desperately hoping to just find the watch to return home, no luck, no watch. Finally, he finds his way into a theatre and in the distance upon the stage... The WATCH! He grabs his watch and rewinds the handle back and hopes he tra

textual analysis induction

Textual analysis of Reggie Yates: insider In the documentary Reggie Yates traveled to Mexico to get an inside in to crime in Mexico. They started off the episode with establishing shot that shows Reggie  yates in mexico, the establishing shot is a birds eye view of the mexico most popular city not being very popular . In the documentary the camera shots are not similar to other documentary there was no shot reverse shot to show the audience the style of this particular documentary thus making it very not very formal and scripted really giving the viewers the real inside scoop on the crime in Mexico. In the documentary they used a lot of diagetic sound to give you a real feeling of the mise-en-scene of the documentary. The voices of the people getting interviewed and Reggie Yates are recorded over the ambient sounds of the sea, the birds and people talking to give the audience a sense of realness in this troubled town. As Reggie Yates interviews civilians as each person talks